Insider Transactions

Date Filer Title Filing Type Shares Traded Price Total Held
Jul 31, 2024
Director Form 4 Other acquisition or disposition -- -- 190,555
Jul 31, 2024
Director Form 4 Other acquisition or disposition -- -- 144,051
Jul 31, 2024
Director Form 4 Other acquisition or disposition -- -- 29,375
Jul 31, 2024
Director Form 4 Open market or private sale of non-derivative or derivative security 6,000 $130.44 184,555
Jul 31, 2024
CFO, EVP & Treasurer
CFO, EVP & Treasurer Form 4 Bona fide gift 825 -- 92,853
Jul 31, 2024
CFO, EVP & Treasurer
CFO, EVP & Treasurer Form 4 Bona fide gift 275 -- 1,453
Jul 29, 2024
Sr Vice President - Subsidiary
Sr Vice President - Subsidiary Form 4 Exercise or conversion of derivative security exempted pursuant to Rule 16b-3 16,314 $70.70 51,983
Jul 29, 2024
Sr Vice President - Subsidiary
Sr Vice President - Subsidiary Form 4 Exercise or conversion of derivative security exempted pursuant to Rule 16b-3 2,753 $61.47 54,736
Jul 29, 2024
Sr Vice President - Subsidiary
Sr Vice President - Subsidiary Form 4 Payment of exercise price or tax liability by delivering or withholding securities incident to the receipt, exercise or vesting of a security issued in accordance with Rule 16b-3 12,173 $125.61 42,563
Jul 29, 2024
Sr Vice President - Subsidiary
Sr Vice President - Subsidiary Form 4 Payment of exercise price or tax liability by delivering or withholding securities incident to the receipt, exercise or vesting of a security issued in accordance with Rule 16b-3 1,739 $125.61 40,824

* Represents the number of non-derivative securities directly held. (I) Indicates that some (or all) of these shares are held indirectly.

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